Booking a Seminar
- Cost of seminars and events range up to $25
- Full refunds will be given 48 hours prior to a seminar if you need to cancel or reschedule. A seminar credit will be provided if you cancel within 24 hours of a seminar.
- Seminars are intended for those 18 or older
- Seminars are held at one location but a group booking to be held at your location can be arranged
- Our venue is accessible with ample free parking and has a private washroom.
- Please click on the calendar and select the seminar/s you wish to attend
- You may also call Expected Outcome to book and provide your credit card number over the phone
- If the seminar you are choosing is full, you can be added to a waitlist and notified if a space becomes available or an additional seminar is added to the calendar
- If you cannot attend due to Covid or being a close contact of someone with Covid, please message or call Alison at 403-604-5821 to discuss your refund.