Booking a Seminar

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Event Time 3:30 – 5:00

Join me for this 90 minute gently guided time where you can freely express your thoughts and your grief and hopes with others who have experienced the death of a loved one in a safe and non-judgemental environment.

This is a FREE Event hosted by Alison at the Expected Outcome Venue.

Come down and check things out.

*Free but must register

Complete the FREE Ticket process or simply email Alison at

Event Time 6:00 – 8:00

How does this make you feel?
Too early after the death?
You’ve waited too long?
You’re scared?
You wonder if people will judge you?
How will your family feel?
How will you feel?
How will your loved one’s family feel?
Where do you begin?
How do you manage your own safety?
How do you spot a scammer on an online dating app?
What are you actually looking for?

These questions and more will be explored in this two hour seminar.
No judgement, no questions unanswered.

Buy your Ticket NOW!

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Event Time 6:00 – 7:30

Have you experienced the death of a much loved pet?   Come and share your stories and your tears with other bereaved pet owners in a gently guided and loving environment.

I am a lifelong pet owner and recognize how deep the grief is when a pet dies – a loss not always understood by others in society.

Buy your Ticket NOW!

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